World's best hand creme!

Posted by Aislinn on
A few years ago, Noah got a stomach bug. Being paranoid about catching it myself, I washed my hands as any good nurse would. In the process, I severely damaged my hands. I am serious: my hands and arms were two different colours! It looked almost like I had worn a long-sleeved shirt and sat in the sun for hours so that my hands were deeply tanned. Not only were my hands a different shade, they were very dry, cracked and occassionally bleeding. They just couldn't heal because I wash my hands a lot and use hand sanitizer to the extreme.

That was two years ago and they still aren't healed! I have literally tried every.single.lotion available on store shelves. Of course, everyone has a suggestion for lotions to try, and I tried them all to no avail. I have tried aveeno, vaseline, Burts bees, neutrogena, nivea, dove, glysomed, etc etc etc. While all of these were perfectly lovely lotions, they are intended for less severe cases of dry hands. In fact, I even bought an "As seen on tv" lotion that was meant for chapped hands.

I would use the lotion in the morning and try to remember to use it during the day (but forgot most of the time). So I would end up just slathering it on at night and go to bed with little white gloves on my hands (which make me look like Mickey Mouse) or, if those were missing I would put Keith's sports socks on my hands.

I would usually find that for the first day or two I would be very impressed with various lotions, and then they would just seem to stop working or fail to totally heal my hands.

However, today I can report that my hands are healing!!!! I have found the lotion of all lotions! If you have hands that are as severely destroyed as mine were, give this a try!

It is Eucerin, Dry skin repair hand creme (10$ for 75ml). The bottle states it has 5% Urea (a compound that is used to soften thick, rough or dry skin). It states it 'smoothes rough and chapped hands". It is fragrance-free and contains no fragrance or colorants so it won't further irritate skin.

I only use it about 2x a day (morning and night) and honestly, my hands are becoming the same colour as my arms after only a week of use. I noticed a difference immediately! I only wish I thought to take before and after pictures!

I don't know that I would use this for my day-to-day lotion use once my hands are back to normal, but if you have seriously dry hands, I would pick this up. It is available at any drug store or pharmacy with the other hand lotions.


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